Master resizing granny squares - Level up your crochet skills ✂️

Adjusting the size of a granny square in crochet is a useful skill to have, as it allows you to create projects of different dimensions and customize your designs. Whether you want to make a larger blanket or a smaller motif, resizing a granny square is relatively simple once you understand the basic principles. In this guide, I'll walk you through the steps to adjust the size of your granny square.

To begin, let's assume you have already completed a standard granny square and want to make it larger or smaller. The key to resizing is understanding the stitch count and the number of rounds in your square.

To make a granny square larger, you'll need to add more rounds. Each round consists of sets of stitches worked into the chain spaces and corners of the previous round. To add a round, follow these steps:

1. Start by chaining the appropriate number of stitches for the corner. This will vary depending on the size of your granny square. For example, if your square has three double crochet stitches in each corner, you would chain three to start the new round.

2. Work the desired number of stitches into each chain space and corner of the previous round. This will typically be three double crochet stitches, but you can adjust the stitch count to suit your design.

3. Repeat step 2 for each chain space and corner around the square.

4. Join the last stitch of the round to the starting chain with a slip stitch.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each additional round you want to add.

By adding more rounds, you can gradually increase the size of your granny square. Remember to maintain the same stitch count and corner configuration for each round to ensure a uniform shape.

On the other hand, if you want to make a granny square smaller, you'll need to decrease the number of rounds. Here's how:

1. Start by identifying the round where you want to begin decreasing. This will typically be the outermost round of your square.

2. Work the desired number of stitches into each chain space and corner of the round, but skip some chain spaces or corners to reduce the stitch count. For example, instead of working three double crochet stitches into each corner, you could work two or even one.

3. Repeat step 2 for each chain space and corner around the square.

4. Join the last stitch of the round to the starting chain with a slip stitch.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each additional round you want to decrease.

By skipping chain spaces and corners, you can gradually decrease the size of your granny square while maintaining its shape.

Remember, adjusting the size of a granny square requires some experimentation and practice. Don't be afraid to try different stitch counts or corner configurations to achieve the desired dimensions. You can also refer to crochet pattern books or online resources for inspiration and guidance.

I hope this guide has helped you understand how to adjust the size of a granny square in crochet. With this skill, you'll be able to create beautiful and unique projects that perfectly suit your vision. Happy crocheting!

If you have any further questions or need more guidance, feel free to explore our site, You Get Hooked, where you'll find a wealth of information on crochet stitches, patterns, and techniques, including advanced Tunisian crochet techniques and beginner crochet granny square patterns.

Lucas Yarnell
Crochet, Mathematics, Material Innovation, Tunisian Crochet

Lucas Yarnell, a former engineer, discovered his love for crochet after retirement. He enjoys the mathematical precision of crochet patterns and is passionate about sharing his unique perspective with others. Lucas is known for his innovative use of materials and techniques.